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The crafting system is the main thing that stands out.  I only fiddled a little with it, enough to get the general idea.  It feels like that ought to be the focus of the game to be honest.  Really promising prototype!

(1 edit) (+1)

That's pretty cool so far!
I love how the crafting system works here, it do allow for some crazy synergies if you get the right materials for it. Granted, this isn't really my type of game, so I didn't play a lot to experiment with all the ores, but I could at least tell there's plenty variety already, wich is nice. I wonder if there are any other weapon types aside from the three initial ones already, If so maybe I'd try to play again with some background music to cheer me up for longer later.

I didn't run into any big issue aside from menus not closing until I paused and the only way of restarting being to get back to the main menu, but those I assume you're already aware of.

I didn't manage to smelt the part I wanted to smelt for some reason tho, I don't know if it was a bug or if I was just doing something wrong.

And now some minor nitpicks that are more like personal preferences tbh, but I kinda wish the inventory button was closer to the wasd since to get to the i button you need to take your hands to an odyssey and back, so that wouldn't allow you to quick check enemy drops or, idk, maybe even changing weapon parts during combat if you wanted to go wild or something. If you're already using E for something else then maybe put into R ot TAB, they're not common buttons for inventories, but hey, at least would be a little more comfortable. (Of course, this all would also be solved with keybind in the future lol)

I also noticed the space bar roll dashes to the mouse direction instead of the movement one, wich is a little incovenient, since while I was fighting the worms I was accidentally rolling inside their attack range instead of out of it, since I was always aiming at them in order to attack.

anyway, I think that's all I had to say for now. Here's a gaemplay vid if it helps

(FPS drops are OBS's doing btw, the game ran fine enought for me)